Apoyando a las bases
organizadores, candidatos,
y causas.
We are blown away by your amazing response! THANK YOU!
So more states have been added- Florida, Alabama, and Tennessee.
Boost voter turnout in key states today by texting to register voters!
Join Building Bridges for America Action Fund and our partners Field Team 6 to text unregistered voters in key states.
Reach critical voters in Virginia, North Carolina, Texas and Georgia through Field Team 6's BYOP (Bring Your Own Phone) Text-Banking Program.
You use your own phone and go at your own speed. Sign up once and text all you like in 2024.

Stay up to date on grassroots organizing with stories, events and news with our new bi-weekly newsletter. Sign up and give it a try!
Our Purpose
Building Bridges es un grupo de base de voluntarios a nivel nacional que informa e involucra a votantes y organizadores para apoyar campaƱas y causas basadas en valores progresistas. Somos voluntarios que apoyamos a los voluntarios para que aumenten su poder polĆtico dando un paso al frente, hablando, organizando y siendo vistos y escuchados.
Tenemos la intenciĆ³n de ver nuestro trabajo a travĆ©s de lentes que se den cuenta de la equidad racial, reĆŗnan a las comunidades rurales y urbanas, impulsen una reforma democrĆ”tica integral y creen un sentido de pertenencia para todos.